Stop Using Internet Browser Bookmarks—Use Zotero Instead!

Every Internet browser has the useful capability of bookmarking favorite websites that you may wish to revisit. Some browsers allow for folders to organize your bookmarks, but there’s a better option for keeping track of your website discoveries.

Zotero is a bookmark manager on steroids

Two clicks (or even one) is all it takes to file a website in your Zotero citation manager. One click records the URL, website title, date the site was visited, and it captures a replica of the webpage. A second click may be needed to file the site in a subject folder.

After your site is added to Zotero you can add tags, notes, and attachments. Tags link all citations that have the same tag. When you click on a tag all of the other items that have that tag are assembled together. Notes can include any text that you wish. Attachments can be any files type.

The Adding Items to Zotero documentation on the Zotero website is clear and comprehensive. Zotero can also be used to collect your RSS feeds to read anytime, with an easy option to add feed content to your Zotero library. Try it out with the RSS feed from the SoCoHist Blog.

Mobile device users can add sites to their Zotero library from various browsers using the Zotero Bookmarklet.

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